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Applied mathematical modeling - Elsevier Journal (Impact Factor: 2.617)
The proposed special issue intends to cover topics of applied mathematics and mathematical modelling on various aspects associated, but no limited, to coastal engineering, harbors design, marine and ocean engineering and mechanics, offshore structures design and response, wave propagation, linear and nonlinear wave modelling, breaking waves, fluid-structures interactions, morphdynamics, ship maneuvering and ship crossing issues in ports, wave slamming, coastal flooding, beach erosion, energy conversion methods through waves, wind, tides and sea currents etc.
(https://www.journals.elsevier.com/applied-mathematical-modelling/). |
Environmental Processes - An International Journal Springer LinK
The proposed special issue intends to cover processes related to the interactions of the water, air-atmosphere, and soil-sediment environments with the humans and the biosphere; environmental flow processes, hydrodynamics; pollutant physical, chemical and biological processes, including pollutant sources and origin, fate, dispersion and degradation, transport, deposition and accumulation, and impacts on human health and environmental quality; interaction processes between the social, cultural, economic and natural environments;
(https://link.springer.com/journal/40710). |
Water - Open Access Journal (Impact Factor: 2.069)
The proposed special issue intends to cover topics of marine water resources management; monitoring, remediation and protection of port and marine environment; Marine Spatial Planning; ICZM;
(https://www.mdpi.com/journal/water/about). |